Monday 27 May 2013

After Effects

Paris 6 3 copy from sam edwards on Vimeo.

This is the initial render for the bosh moving image, we wanted to create the identity moving so it can be applied over the screen based deliverables. The logo itself is representative of a the different angle of perception. This is highlighted by the lines which both forms the letter forms as well and take them away.

Shows the transition of the lines drawing a taking away the letter forms.. the lines drawing the letterforms.. happens in a rotational manner.. to represent the 360 degree.. the lines coming off the page develop into the next transition.. this results in the logo changing form which again pushes the idea of different perception.. The numbers next to the letter forms.. are the constantly moving and as a result visually more interesting.. the angular nature of the lines.. creates an interesting visuals.. and will break up what ever they are over laid on. 

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