Monday 27 May 2013

Final Web

Exclusivity and standing out was one of the things bosh wanted to achieve when starting out on the process.. as a result we have decided to add a entrance to the web site which would add a certain degree of exclusivity.. there for the only way you can enter the website is by using a code.. given by drict contact with bosh.. The images and logos will go around on a loop.. continually changing. 

An example of how the drop down examples.. when you move to the side of the page.. makes it stand out.. 

Example of the transition. keeps a smooth image after click on the plus degrees. 

Pressing on the i results in a simple drop down that has less conceptual relevance than the angular example, however it keeps the page looking simple and clean without detracting from the image. The information provided will be that of the photo and the particular category. 

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