Saturday 18 May 2013

Fine Art Year Book-Cover

As explained earlier on the blog, one of the resounding themes of the fine art year book is to give the individual a sense of identity, both with in the publication and with in the art world. Therefore the concept for the front cover  is derived from this.

We asked all the members of the fine art course to bring in something that was either representative of them as a person or practitioner.. with the general aim of have a collection of things that embodied the individuals on the course giving them a sense of identity on the front cover.

The photo was arranged in a structural manner to produce an interesting ascetic. The image we as individuals had to work with is shown below.

Here you can see the resulting image.. which gives us a good basis for the front cover due to the structured but interesting image created.. with strong conceptual basis. We then all began to play with the image ourselves. To come up with interesting visuals.

From a personal perspective i was did not want to alter the image greatly as i think the structured nature of the layout was already a strong visual.. it was a decision on how the title would be printed/embossed etc.. as the rest of the layout..i.e the spine is dictated in the brief requirements.

Myself chloe and Ben then put our spreads together in a brief pdf and sent it to the fine art tutors in pdf format..  the pdf with explanations included or also on there.

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