Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Personal Layouts-Draft 1

having had the initial layouts approved in the meeting we were allocated individuals These were:

Lester Drake
Liam Guest
Sam Harriman
Isabel Head
Jade Stephenson
Catherine Stroud
Robert Tatton
Alex Dunn
Alisa Read

Following the rules discuseed the master page consisted of always including the the course name and the title which was always highlighted with magenta as was the page numbers. everything else was up for interpretation.

The set of three ran along every aspect of publication.

Lester drake

Show the consistency on the master page

Adding the images coming off at least one side of the page as discussed in the rules.. the images specifically for Lester drake are a bit to similar to create a particularly interesting final resolution to the page. Pages that have visual constancy but also a degree of texture will be the most effective. 

Adding the portrait images gives a certain degree of personality, something the we set out do achieve as at the start of the project and something that was lacking from last years publication. 

The words and the corner of each image highlights what is in the main body of the text which describes the work and the ethos of the individual.. this is designed to inform the reader of the individual which works on the concept running through the publication of  identity.  

the contact details have been added here and are detracted from the main body of text which creates the reader to move across the page.. which will improve the intrest for the on looker. 

Complete first draft spread.. there will be at least x2 more proofs for alterations. 

Alex Dunn

adding the portrait images.. first on this one enabled me to gain a better understanding of how the images, which are obviously the focal point of the double page spread. 

For this spread i have used a closer up image of the work at full bleed on tow sides.. this will create an impact and enable the finer qualities of the work to be demonstrated. 

Creating strips of images enables an intresting page composition. And texture with in work creates a more interesting double page spread. 

This shows a more standardised type layout.. as they are working more as part of a set.. this creates less movement on the page for the on looker.. however it also doesn't detract from the images as much. 

Liam Guest. 

Having Received Liam's images... although the work maybe of a high standard the images have no correlation with the each other in image and style.. which will make the design of the double page layout more difficult.. and less visually appealing to the eye. 

Due to the difficult nature of the images to make work with each other i have decided to manipulate across the page first.. this will enable me best find the image layout..which is the most important issues regarding the double page spread.

Adding the next two images you can begin to see how the images dont work well together. 

Find the most appropriate layout helped me to see how the type can interact with the images to create and effective layout. 

I am unsure on the upside down heads.. i think this should be something to adress in the next meeting between us and the fine art team. 

Samuel Harriman 

Apposing to the previous.. the images given for Samuel Harriman are easy to work with. due to there similarity in colour and style. 

the use of light with in his photos will be interesting to see how the printed outcome will pick this up as i will focus on the using the light in pieces with in the layout. 

The similarities in colour of the images will allow the layout to be visually effective. 

The type could be a bit to close to the images on the right.. therefore this is something that could be adressed as the draft develops. The spacing etc. is something that will be adressed as a group when we come to together with our individual layouts. 

Isabel Head 

The pieces within this work will also enable a lot of texture to be incorporated onto the double page spread which will improve the visual layout and image of the outcome although the lack of colour within the images may prove difficult to deal with. 

Here you can see how the texture of the images work.. however i am not going to large image on the dp due to the nature of the one image over powering the others on the the spread.. therefore will keep it relatively low key in terms of image size. 

Again heavy texture keeping the images small. 

Images allow each other enough space not to over power each other.. as well as leaving enough room for the type..  

The final spread leaves perhaps the most white space so far.. however i think it is one of the most effective. 

Alisa Read. 

Again similar images have enabled the layout to have a visual appeal.. with a more traditional style of art.. i will not focus so much on the texture of the image but more the the piece as a whole. 

the larger image for this dp will be aligned on the left.. this is different from previous spreads..will create some visual variation.. as i felt the layouts were beginning to look to similar. 

Flush right... need to make sure i get the ba hons fine art.. in front of the image. 

Keeping the smaller words of the text aligned over one line creates an interesting visual.

The space leaves a lot of room for the text, and also enables a sense...floating which needs to be adressed.

The larger image on the left gives a different feel to the spreads.. keeping the portraits in line with the large image creates a defined line which improves the appearance of the spreads. 

Jade Stephenson 

Perhaps some of the best images i had to work with for the spreads.. the images allowed me to both focus on internal detail as well as the over all texture and image. 

I have set myself a new challenge of designing around the type bar from the large image.. which is a strong image and allows the style of her work to be demonstrated in one image.. 

The second image is a full texture based image and is aligned right to the bleed.. which could be pushing it abit far.. however if successful be different to any of the other pages currently designed.. will cause for some intrigue. 

Jade did not provide any portrait photos therefore theses will have to be addd at a later date. **** chase her up. 

Catherine Stroud. 

Catherine produced difficult images to work with.. again to the contrasting nature of specifically one of them, therefore i started the layout with the two similar images to create them as the focal point of the piece.. as this will improve the visual image of the double page spread.

Using the two images to compliment each other pages the left hand side page stronger visually.. this is why i have decided to put the main body of text... on the right as this will increase the interaction from the user to the spread as a whole. 

The addition of the portraits.. and the full spread leaves quite a lot of white space, this is due to the dpi of the images being low.. therefore i need to chase up for larger images... as there is two much space on the page. 

Robert Tatton 

This image was specified by tatton as his priority image.. therefore this must be the focal point of the layout.. whilst not being over baring. 

Tattons images allow texture to be a focus to create and interesting final outcome. however his images work better in large scale therefore i must be careful not over clutter the page.

The third added image doesnt work as well in the set as the others and should be adressed at a later stage. 

The type has room to sit in on the final layout.. however i am unsure about the image layout as i think it could be over powering..with alot going on. 

enough space? images upside down? The image on the left defiantly works as the priority image. and enables the spread to work in that way.. 

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