Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Prospectus Proposal Defined

For the Prospectus proposal myself Ben and Chloe wanted to push the idea of individuality with the college.. Using the strap line 'We are not defined' Then with in the publication this strap line is backed up with 'We define' - print and textiles.etc. this pushed the idea of the college being a cutting edge and artistically relevant institution.

We wanted to create a bold and easily recognisable identity that played on the idea of not being defined .. therefore we chose to develop the idea out of pixels.. using a bold colour scheme which was eye catching and unlike any other university. The idea of standing out and creating a fresh identity is paramount to what the university wanted due to the new status the college has received.

The layout present of the boards of the publication has is designed to create a sense of movement on the page it is this movement that plays on the concept of not being defined by a set grid system.. using colour to highlight certain areas, the colour swatches are taken from the design of the front cover. For image based pages we will use a combination of full bleed images and large scale this will increase the ecstatic of the the publication making it more visually interesting.

The range is designed to push the identity on to the general public...the pixel concept works well at creating a strong visual identity.

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