Monday, 27 May 2013

Bosh branding

The initial meeting between myself,ben and Bosh consisted of excess amount of chicken....PIMMS AND WINGS! 

despite this we were given the brief which is to do the brand for BOsh a photographer from LCA who is looking to promote himself in preparation for leaving uni. What attracted me to the brief was the conceptual development behind his work as a photographer.. He gave us one requirement with the brief being true to the phase he had fashioned which embodies his work.- 'Social Coding' is the phrase. 

He describes Social Coding as:

A phrase I have fashioned to represent the ideology behind my photography. It in co-operates the means of 3 different genre’s fashion as the output and is aesthetically presented like that of street or documentary photography. Since a young age I have been fascinated with how we work, how are ancestral backgrounds shape us to what we will become, I believe that this is a code that defines us and is a formed by the nature of are youth, influenced by are elders in guiding us to your predicted place amongst society. It is your past that shapes your future.

Why there is  strength.. in this concept in my opinion is the idea of alternative perceptions.. and that of being dictated by by society and genealogy which from a design perspective will lead to intresting visuals.. 

Myself have decided to go on with the brief.. due to the conceptual scope. 

The main focus of the brief will be the web aspect of the identity as well as array of printed material.  

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