Sunday 26 May 2013


The purpose of the range is simply to push the identity on the consumer public to try and change the perception they have of the brand which will work as a reinterpretation of parcel force.

the stationary of focus on the more corporate side of the business is still client facing, thus needs to still hold a strong identity of the brand..i especially like the icons in light opacity running across the paper etc.. i think this makes the stationary standout from normality and defiantly still embodies the ethos i was trying to portray through the brand.

The van will be seen everywhere due to the success of parcel force.. therefore it needs to be strong visually, like this one above is.. perhaps the logo could also be added however i like the way in which it isn't as it ads a degree of intrest and as the iconography is so recognisable i think this will work as identification to the general public as well as hitting the right tone of voice. 

Uniforms of workers are more casual and therefore easily identifiable  will give the consumer less of a sense of formality in interaction which will make them feel more relaxed therefore will change the perception of the corporate nature of parcel force. 

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