Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Web Infoserve

Below is the web element of the inforseve brief, the client didn't want it however myself and ben extended the brief further

The design followed the same ethos of that of the branding, which has an overtly corporate feel to it.. both in the images used and the grid system used. we create a sense of visual intrest the page by using a over lay of type and image.. but the main purpose of the brief was to give the brand a sense of formality.. i think this a achieved  drop shadows were used on the tool bars to create a sense of depth to the page to create a visually interesting out come. The colour scheme works well on the web element.. creating a higher impact resolution. The imagery used although corporate is friendly and approachable. 

The success of inforserve as a brief isn't in the beauty of its design but it is determined by meeting the clients wants or needs.. to create his idea of how his brand should look.

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