Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Design Context Concept

the concept for the design context follows a the ethos of restrictions.. Restriction is applicable everywhere within the design.. weather it be restriction of design or economic restrictions set by a client. The concept of restrictions runs through out my design practice, each brief has it own set of restrictions.

As a result i have decided to catergroies 3 publications into individual briefs that i have under taken through out the FMP. Due to each brief having its own set of restrictions, each section of the publications should be individual. The layout of each section of the publication is determined by the restrictions set with in the briefs i have undertaken. So each section of the publication is representative of restrictions set when undertaking the brief in my design practice.

I will also use colour to represent the categorise so they can easily recognisable. Each section of the publication will be highlighted by a title page in which the restrictions are layed out.. it is up to the person interacting to determine how the restrictions set for the brief determined the layout out of the particular section.

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