Friday, 10 May 2013

Kew Gardens- Rebrand

This brief focuses on kew gardens one of Britons most significant horticultural land marks.. a site with serious scientific relevance and natural beauty. being situated ideally on the tube line from central london. The aim of the brief is to engage and encourage visitors of a 18-30 demographic to interact with kew. and the rebrand needs to representative of this..

  • Identity construction

Great rebrand for melbourne.. use of the playful nature of the identity.. across promotion etc and printed material..  `it is this reinforcement of the brand identity that makes this a successful brand. The interchanging logo is something that can be applied to the kew rebrand.. perhaps look at changing the logo with the season.. 

Although this could be considered to corporate... the way the logo looks three dimensional will apply nicely across a range of printed material. the colour of the logo also adds the brand recognition. colour is something that i will have to put emphasis on to make the kew rebrand effective. 

The idea of using repetition of of pattern or logo.. makes for the brand to be applied across a range of material easily.. the application of the brand across a wide range of deliverables will reinforce the brand itself.. look at pattern and repetition.. for the development of the logo. 
  • Union Square Festival is an annual cultural event, which celebrates businesses of the area. 
    A 3 day feast of gastronomy, art, and entertainment. The festival has been etablished as a permanent campaign, which indirect brands Union Square as a vibrant and exciting district to be living in.
    The visual identity of Union Square will have a contemporary and colorful expression during the festival. Various posters and ads of maps will lead the audience to the Union Square area and make them aware
    of the festival's presences.

Using geographical location to create the identity is a good way of showing one of the USP of kew gardens.. being as it so close to central london.. The brand image of this project is strong.. due to the almost modernist outcome of the brand. Again use of colour is important as well as the changeable nature of the logo. 

Although the image of this identity is on the corporate side and therefore not approachable enough for the re brand of kew.. the used of photographic imagery adds a certain depth of field to the identity which is appealing. And something that is worth considering with the wealth of imagery that would be available for kew. 

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